Monday, October 28, 2013
- Received Date
- 2013-10-28
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50 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2013101082 | MND | San Luis Obispo County | Minor Use Permit | |
2013109011 | NOD | City of Anderson | Environmental Determination 13-10 for Riverpoint Trail | |
2013108341 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) | San Francisquito Creek Rock Wall Repair at Lagunita Diversion Facility | |
2013102055 | NOP | City of Santa Clara | Monticello Village Project | |
2004031104 | NOD | San Luis Obispo County | Templeton Sand & Gravel Mine; Agreement 2012-0165-R4 | |
2006081138 | NOD | Merced County Association of Governments | Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2012-0029-R4 for Phase 1A Reduced, Atwater-Merced Expressway Project | |
2013108344 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 10 | San Joaquin County Bridge Deck Rehab - 0X780 | |
2013108352 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Issuance of Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0287-R1, Replace an Existing Stream Crossing on an Unnmaed, Intermittent Stream to Baechtel | |
2013102052 | OTH | California Air Resources Board (ARB) | Amendments to the Area Designations for State Ambient Air Quality Standards | |
2013101090 | NEG | Santa Barbara County | Santa Barbara Land & Ranching Company Fencing Project | |
2013021033 | EIR | City of Calimesa | General Plan Update | |
2013071020 | NOD | Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation | Santa Ana Canyon - Below Prado Inland Empire Brine Line Protection | |
2008062030 | NOP | Sacramento County | South Sacramento Habitat Conservation Plan (SSHCP) | |
2008041077 | NOD | San Luis Obispo County | Estrella River Mine, Agreement 2012-0129-R4 | |
2013101091 | MND | City of Monterey | North Fremont Specific Plan and City Code and Zoning Map Amendments | |
2013102053 | NOP | City of Tracy | Tracy Hills Specific Plan Amendment Project | |
2013081031 | NOD | City of Rosemead | Municipal Code Amendment 10-07 and Zone Change 13-01 | |
2013052023 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Fort Goff Creek Fish Passage Project | |
2010081061 | EIR | City of Los Angeles | Solid Waste Integrated Resources Plan (SWIRP) | |
2008122064 | NOD | City of Foster City | Gilead Sciences, Inc. - New Laboratory Building (NLB-1) | |
2013101088 | MND | San Bernardino County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) (LAFCO) | Sphere of Influence Establishment for CSA 120 (LAFCO 3157) | |
1999071007 | MND | City of San Marcos | San Marcos Highlands Specific Plan Amendment | |
2013108347 | NOE | City of West Sacramento | Riverfront Vegetation Management Plan | |
2013072057 | EIR | City of Ukiah | Talmage Road/Southbound U.S. 101 On-Off Ramps Realignment Project | |
2013091015 | NOD | City of Delano | BIOTTTA Wellhead Nitrate Treatment Pilot Project | |
2013101085 | MND | City of Los Angeles | ENV-2013-2119-MND (Tesla Motors) | |
2013108350 | NOE | Lake Cuyamaca Park and Recreation District | Waterfowl Hunting | |
2013082067 | NOD | Mono County | Rock Creek Road Improvement Project | |
2012112039 | NOD | Oakland Unity High School | Oakland Unity High School Project | |
2013101089 | NEG | City of San Clemente | CHP 13-095, DHP 13-339, HPPA 13-327, McMahon Residence | |
2013108348 | NOE | California Air Resources Board (ARB) | Air Monitoring Station | |
2013101086 | MND | Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation | Temescal Creek - Foster Road Storm Drain, Stage 1 | |
2013101092 | MND | Fresno County | Millerton Road Widening Project | |
2013108351 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Issuance of Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0120-R1, Raymond Larabee Creek Bridge Repair Project | |
2013108345 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | California American Water Interconnection with Sacramento County Water | |
2013109012 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2012-0281-R1 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-12-092HUM | |
2013042019 | NOD | California Department of Parks and Recreation | 69 kV Electric Transmission Line Vegetation Management Program | |
2013101083 | MND | City of Morro Bay | Morro Creek Multi-Use Trail and Bridge Project | |
2013108342 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Operation of Reservoir 3A Wellhead Treatment at Cucamonga Valley Water District | |
2013102056 | MND | City of Hillsborough | The Nueva School 2012 Master Plan Update | |
2013109013 | NOD | Felton Fire Protection District | Adoption of the 2013 California and 2012 Internation Fire Codes | |
2013108346 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Part 2 Emergency Funding Project | |
2013101084 | NEG | City of Los Angeles | ENV-2013-2605-ND / 3009 S. Ocean Front Walk | |
2011102013 | NOD | San Joaquin County | Consideration of a Revised Solid Waste Facilities Permit for the Tracy Material Recovery & Transfer Facility, Solid Waste Faciltiies Permit Number 39-AA-0024, S | |
2013108349 | NOE | City of Citrus Heights | Citrus Heights City Hall Green Parking Lot and Demonstration Project | |
2013108343 | NOE | Hilmar County Water District | Minor Modifications to Wastewater Treatment Facilitiy, Phases 1 & 2 | |
2013101087 | NOP | City of Anaheim | Anaheim Canyon Specific Plan | |
2013102051 | OTH | California Air Resources Board (ARB) | Commercialization of New Alternative Diesel Fuels | |
2010092071 | NOD | North Marin Water District | North Marin Water District Aqueduct Energy Efficiency Project | |
2013102054 | MND | Butte County | Silva Ranch Tentative Parcel Map (TPM13-0003) |