SCH Number 2008041077
Project Info
- Title
- Viborg/Calkins Conditional Use Permit ED07-082
- Description
- CDFW has executed Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0177-R4, pursuant to section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, Viborg Sand and Gravel, Inc. Project includes activities related to the extraction and sorting of sand and gravel from the Estrella River. The Estrella River Mine operates as CA Dept. of Conservation, Division of Mine Reclamation Mind ID No. 91:40-0057. Sand and gravel extraction will occur in an approx. 7.1 acre mine area in the bed of the Estrella River. No more than 45,000 cubic yards of sand and gravel will be extracted each year that mining occurs. The maximum depth of mining will be six feet as measured from the elevation at the start of mining during its first year, in 2014, and mining each year will be limited to a depth of four feet. Sand and gravel will be hauled from the mine area to the adjacent 2.2-acre operations area. Sand and gravel will be sorted mechanically by grain size using a radial stacker and screen, and then be loaded into trucks and transported off-site.
3 documents in project