Wednesday, July 29, 2020
- Received Date
- 2020-07-29
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40 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2020070588 | MND | San Joaquin County | Bollea Road Bridge Replacement Project | |
2020070549 | NOD | Stanislaus County | Use Permit Application No. PLN2019-0024 - Langworth Dairy | |
2020070548 | NOE | California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) | #7548-DMV-Brisebane | |
2016092015 | NOD | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Lower Elkhorn Basin Levee Setback (LEBLS) (Project) (California Endangered Species Act Amended Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2019-063-02-A1(ITP)). | |
2020070547 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Unbalanced Exchange of State Water Project Table A Water between San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency and Ventura County Watershed Protection District (SWPAO #20016) | |
2020070546 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Montara Vault Toilet | |
2020070545 | MND | City of San Jose | 1103 Curtner Avenue Project | |
2020070544 | NOE | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | TF.2020-001 .Hayward.NTP | |
2020070543 | NOE | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Sonic 2020 2000.019 Fairweather | |
2020070542 | NOE | Department of General Services (DGS) | Secretary of State - MSF Reconfiguration | |
2020070541 | NOE | Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) | Execute Letter Agreement with Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District to Increase Annual Maximum Delivery from 16,500 to 20,000 acre-feet per year | |
2020070540 | NOE | San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority | American Canyon Wetlands Restoration Plan | |
2020070539 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Black Oak Woodland Forest Fuel Reduction | |
2020070538 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | ACE lease for Saddle Mountian Property | |
2003042127 | SIR | City of San Jose | Almaden Office Project | |
2020070537 | MND | San Luis Obispo County | LRP2019-00004 County of San Luis Obispo 2020-2028 Housing Element Update (ED20-157) | |
2020070536 | NEG | City of Atwater | City of Atwater 1,2,3-TCP Mitigation Project | |
2020070535 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 11 (DOT) | Replace Failed Culvert / 11-43111 | |
2020070534 | NOE | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Canyon Gulch Project | |
2020070533 | MND | San Luis Obispo County | DRC2019-00233 Ranch Minor Use Permit/Coastal Development Permit (ED20-124) | |
1999111132 | OTH | Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District | Notice of Subsequent Project: Basin "CF" Groundwater Recharge and Flood Control Project | |
2020070532 | MND | City of Santa Clara | 2905 Stender Way, CoreSite SV9 Data Center | |
2020070531 | MND | City of Thousand Oaks | Conejo Canyons Bridge at Hill Canyon Treatment Plant | |
2020070530 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 3 (DOT) | Superstructure Rehab Sac River Viaduct | |
2020069028 | NOD | San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) | Diamond Bar Golf Course Renovation Project | |
2020070529 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 6 (DOT) | Fresno-Tulare Bridge Maintenance | |
2020029084 | NOD | Sacramento County | Linda Manor Septic to Sewer Conversion Project | |
2020070528 | MND | Sacramento County | North Area Recovery Station Master Plan | |
2020079024 | MND | City of Sanger | Tombstone Territory Water Connection Project | |
2020070527 | NOE | Sonoma County | Geyserville, Intermediate Freestanding Commercial Telecommunications File No. UPE19-0075 | |
2020070526 | NEG | Sacramento County | Morse Avenue Sidewalk Infill and Street Light Project | |
2020070525 | NOE | Solano County | Hosted Vacation Rental MU-20-04 | |
2020070524 | NOE | State Water Resources Control Board | Beale Air Force Base Fluoridation Permit Amendment | |
2020049044 | NOD | City of Turlock | MINOR DISCRETIONARY PERMIT 2020-01 (ELUM INDUSTRIAL CAMPUS) | |
2018082022 | NOD | Lake Shastina Community Services District | Lake Shastina Community Services District Wastewater Improvement Project | |
2009091125 | NOD | California High Speed Rail Authority | CHSRA construction of high speed tracks with rail-rail separation over BNSF tracks | |
2009091125 | NOD | California High Speed Rail Authority | CHSRA construction of one new highway-rail grade separated crossing at Avenue 144 | |
2009091125 | NOD | California High Speed Rail Authority | CHSRA construction of one new underpass grade separated crossing at Avenue 136 | |
2009091125 | NOD | California High Speed Rail Authority | Consruction of grade separated crossing under proposed high speed rail tracks at SR 43 | |
2009091125 | NOD | California High Speed Rail Authority | Construction of grade separated crossing under proposed highspeed rail tracks at SR 198 |