Tuesday, March 17, 2015

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32 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2015038132 Placer County Tarantino Residence Modification
2015032055 City of Foster City Harry's Hofbrau Redevelopment
2015038129 California Department of Parks and Recreation McConnell Power Entrance Gates
2015032052 San Joaquin County PA-1400232 (MS)
2014122001 Town of Woodside Town of Woodside Housing Element Update (2015-2023)
2015038140 California Department of Parks and Recreation Pio Pico Adobe Fumigation
2015038146 City of Elk Grove Southeast Policy Are Amendment 1 - General Plan Amendment, Community Plan Amendment, Laguna Ridge Specific Plan Amendments
2015012026 Placer County Squaw Valley Siberia Lift Replacement Project (PLN14-00158)
2015038143 City of Elk Grove General Plan Amendment - Elk Grove-Florin Road Property
2014081023 Tulare County Surface Mining Permit and Reclamation Plan No. PMR 14-002
2005092044 City of Rancho Cordova Rancho Cordova Parkway Interchange Project
2015038144 City of Elk Grove Southeast policy Area and Laguna Ridge - Annexation to SASD / SRCSD
2015038135 California Department of Parks and Recreation Quarry Road Trail Repairs
2015038141 California Department of Fish & Wildlife, Office of Spill Prevention & Response (CDFW) Sensitive Site Strategy Evaluation Program
2006071134 City of Santa Paula East Area 1 Specific Plan & Development Agreement Amendments; Master Vesting TTM
2015038138 Natural Resources Agency West Athens Victory Garden (aka 105th & Normandie Community Garden)
2015031059 San Luis Obispo County Longworth DRC2013-00107 Minor Use Permit / Coastal Development Permit
2015038139 Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Leasing of Existing Office Space
2015031060 City of Los Angeles VTT-72929-CN, ENV-2014-4616-MND
2015038133 Placer County Rio Bravo Chip and Grind
2015031057 City of Indio Downton Indio Specific Plan
2015038130 California Department of Parks and Recreation L:ower Rock City Steps and Split Rail Fence
2015032053 City of Walnut Creek Stoneyridge Lane Condominiums (Application No. Y13-101)
2015038136 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Montezuma Slough Control Facility; Control Building Roof Replacement
2015038134 Placer County Swett Garage Setback - Administrative Approval
2015031061 Los Angeles County R2014-01018 / TR072718
2014022018 Shasta County 2015 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP)
2015038137 California Department of Parks and Recreation AT&T Telecom Lease Amendment #1
2015031058 City of Fullerton Morningside Retirement Community Golf and Tennis Court Project
2015038131 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Redding Keystrone Treatment System Upgrade
2015032054 Napa County Kongsgaard Wine LLC Vineyard Conversion #P14-00069-ECPA
2015038145 City of Elk Grove General Plan Amendment - Circulation and Land Use Policies