Friday, May 30, 2014
- Received Date
- 2014-05-30
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54 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2014058369 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Puerco Canyon | |
2014058363 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Prarie City State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA) Ehnisz Property Acquisition | |
2014051101 | MND | City of Huntington Beach | Private K-5 School and 36 Affordable Apartments | |
2014058366 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Western Riverside Multi Species Habitat Conservation Plan (2012) - Berger | |
2014012043 | NOD | San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board | Sonoma Creek Marsh Enhancement Project | |
2014051098 | MND | California State Lands Commission | Santa Ynez Unit (SYU) Offshore Power System Reliability - B Phase 2 Project | |
2014052097 | NEG | San Joaquin County | PA-1400040 (AE) - Agricultural Excavation to remove 99,500 cubic yards of Sand Over a Five-Year Period | |
2014058377 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | San Diego County Multi Species Conservation Plan HCPLA/NCCP (Guyot) | |
2012072004 | NOD | Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District | Pond DR05 Repair | |
1998071109 | NOD | Kern County | Concurrence In The Issuance of A Revised Solid Waste Facilities Permit for Mojave-Rosamond Recycling & Sanitary Landfill in Kern County, SWIS No. 15-AA-0058 | |
2014058380 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Allensworth Ecological Reserve - Expansion 29-40 | |
2013042075 | FIN | East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) | Chabot Dam Seismic Upgrade Project | |
2014058360 | NOE | Lee Lake Water District | Transfer of Assets from EVMWD to LLWD | |
2014058383 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Operation of City of Corcoran Replacement Well 8B | |
2014058361 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0281-R1, Stout Pond | |
2014058384 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Grace Baptist Church Arsenic, Iron, Sulfur and Manganese Treatment | |
2007042044 | NOD | Napa County | Warnock Crossing (Past title: Hill Vineyard Conversion) | |
2014052098 | MND | City of Sonoma | Amendment of the Montini Preserve Management Plan to allow Leashed Dogs on Trails | |
2014051099 | MND | City of Pacific Grove | 1498 Pico Avenue | |
2014058364 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | East Contra Costa County NCCP/HCP (Anna Smith Augmentation) | |
2014052101 | NOP | City of Palo Alto | Palo Alto Comprehensive Plan Update and EIR | |
2014058381 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Day Use Area Improvements | |
2014052095 | MND | Sacramento Suburban Water District | Rutland Production Well and Pumping Plant | |
2014058378 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | San Diego County Multi Species Conservation Plan HCPLA/NCCP (Priest/Walker) | |
2014058372 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Humboldt County Community Forest McKay Tract | |
2013022027 | NEG | San Joaquin County | PA-1300013-Revision of Approved Action to Remove a Cond of Approval for a Previously Approved Comm Tower | |
2014059016 | NOD | City of Monterey Park | Operation of Tank G6-B | |
2014058375 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | San Diego County Multi Species Conservation Plan HCPLA/NCCP (Ulrich) | |
2014058376 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | San Diego County Multi Species Conservation Plan HCPLA/NCCP (Saxena/Carver) | |
2014058379 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | San Diego County Multi Species Conservation Plan (HCPLA/NCCP (Sarjay) | |
2013118109 | NOE | West County Wastewater District | Wastewater Facility and Collection System Rehabilitation (Project) Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) No. C-06-7876-110, C-06-7876-120 and C-06-7876-130 | |
2013128019 | NOE | Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District | Common Landowner Trasnfer up to 4,000 acre-feet of Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District 2014 STate Water Project Table A Water to Westlands Water District ( | |
2014058359 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Replace Water Main | |
2014052096 | NEG | San Joaquin County | QX-91-06 Revisions of Approved Actions to Mine, Process and Reclaim 115.28 acres an Additional 22 Years | |
2014059014 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0376-R1 "Etna French" THP | |
2014058370 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Red Bank, Conservation Easement Addition (Burrows Ranch) | |
2014058373 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Sinnamon Meadows | |
2014058367 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Western Riverside County Multi Species Habitat Conservation Plan (2012) - Fuller | |
2013082003 | NOD | University of California, Davis | UC Davis Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti Shrem Museum of Art | |
2014058371 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Lost Coast Redwood and Salmon Initiative | |
2010084005 | MND | U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management | Modified Blythe Solar Power Project Proposed Amendment to Right-of-Way Grant CACA-048811 | |
2007092084 | NOD | Santa Clara Valley Water District | Lower Berryessa and Lower Calera Creek Flood Protection Improvements Project | |
2014058374 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Pole Mountain | |
2013091054 | EIR | City of Oceanside | Seacliff Terrace Mixed-Use Development | |
2014058368 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Dry Creek Ranch | |
2014059015 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0373-R1 "Cow" THP | |
2014022032 | NOD | City of Mountain View | 600 National Avenue Office Project | |
2014058362 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) | 4115 Happy Valley Road | |
2014058385 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Black Oak Trail West - Road to Trail Conversion (CRSP 130) | |
2014011060 | SIR | Merced County Association of Governments | Merced County 2014 Regional Transportation Plan | |
2014052099 | MND | Shasta County | Zone Amendment 09-006 and Parcel Map 09-022 | |
2014058365 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Coachella Valley Natural Community Conservation Plan, Shadowrock | |
2014052102 | NOP | Santa Clara County | Santa Clara General Plan Circulation and Mobility Element Update | |
2014058382 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Miller Canyon Group Fire Rings |