Tuesday, February 9, 1999

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27 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
1999021037 Riverside County Mead Valley Landfill Closure/Postclosure
1999021037 Riverside County Mead Valley Landfill Closure/Postclosure
1999048113 City of Sierra Madre Tree Removal at 260 South Mountain Trail
1999001091 Moss Landing Harbor District Replacement of waste oil tanks
1999024002 United States Air Force (USAF) Travis Air Force Base Housing Environmental Assessment
1999022024 Sacramento County River City Aggregates Use Permit
1999001135 City of Clearlake Variance requested by Pamela Waage
1999001092 California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Lease of existing office space with an option to purchase
199903 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Elk Valley Rancheria APN 530-246-5141
1999021040 Tulare County Dias Dairy Expansion
1999021043 Tulare County Boertje Dairy Expansion
1998122047 City of Piedmont Casual Carpool Pick-Up Zone Designations
1998071081 City of Ventura Wittenberg-Livingston Residential Project
1999022023 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Pacheco CDF Forest Fire Station Project
1998121066 City of Big Bear Lake Plot Plan and Design Review Application 98-128 / PPR / DRF
1999022026 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Closure of former Hazardous Waste Storage Area--Annex Area 37
1998121083 City of Corona Precise Alignment of Foothill Parkway
1999001104 City of Clearlake Variance requested by Curtis and Bonnie Epps
1999021041 City of Hermosa Beach 7-UNIT CONDOMINIUM AT 1046-1054 MONTEREY BOULEVARD
1999048114 City of Cudahy Speed Auto Center
1999021038 San Luis Obispo County Gamarra Minor Use Permit
1999001105 City of Clearlake Variance requested by Lisa Roberts
1999021042 City of Simi Valley Big Sky Ranch Draft Subsequent EIR(GPA 47/DP-S-13 AMEND. #1/Z-S-523/TT5182)
1999021039 San Luis and Delta Mendota Water Authority Cadiz Groundwater Storage and Dry-year Supply Program
1999001102 City of Clearlake Variance requested by Summit Savings
199902 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Yurok Tribe APN 141-140-17, 141-140-18