SCH Number 2024060458
Project Info
- Title
- PLNP2022-00353 StorQuest Storage Conditional Use Permit, Special Development Permit and Design Review
- Description
- The project consists of the following entitlements from the County of Sacramento: • A Conditional Use Permit to allow for a new self-storage facility on 1.43± acres in the Shopping Center (SC) zone. • A Special Development Permit to allow the proposed project to deviate from the following development standards: • Front Yard Setback (Section 5.6.2.A, Table 5.14): Minimum front yard setback is 50 feet without a Public Utilities/Public Facility Easement (PUPF). The proposed project is providing 23 feet for a front yard setback. • Loading Dock Setback (Section 5.6.2, Table 5.14): Loading docks shall be setback a minimum of 75 feet from the boundary of property zoned or used for residential purposes. As proposed, the loading area is located approximately 35 feet from the adjacent residential parcels. • Vehicle Parking (Section 5.9.2.D, Table 5.22): One space for each employee, plus one space for each company operated vehicle; or one space for every 2,000 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater. For this project, a total of 43 parking spaces are required. The proposed project has a total of twelve vehicle parking spaces. • Parking Stall Landscape (Section 5.2.4, Table 5.2): Rows of parking stalls, either open or covered, shall be broken up by a tree planting every seven spaces. The proposed project is not providing landscape islands or tree wells due to the parking lot layout. • Fences and Walls (Section 5.2.5): A masonry wall of at least six feet in height shall be provided along the interior property lines for all industrial, commercial, and mixed-use projects when located adjacent to residential and agricultural-residential zoning districts, except where pedestrian connections are needed. The proposed project has a six foot high masonry wall along the existing residence, but not along the existing church facility that is residentially zoned. • A Design Review to determine substantial compliance with the Sacramento County Countywide Design Guidelines (Design Guidelines).
2 documents in project