SCH Number 2024051373
Project Info
- Title
- P-18 Sewer Trunkline Project (Capital Project No. 50424)
- Description
- The Project would install a sewer trunkline mainly in the unincorporated area outside the southern City limits. The trunkline would service the majority of the Honey Run/Doe Mill Special Planning Area, South Entler Special Planning Area, and commercial and industrial uses in the area, as identified in the Chico 2030 General Plan and the 2013 Sanitary Sewer Master Plan. The proposed trunkline pipe diameter would range from 1.25-2.25 feet, the trench width would be 6-feet-wide, with total easements 40-feet wide. The trunkline would extend approximately 2.85 miles easterly starting from the existing P-17A sewer trunkline located near the intersection of Hegan Lane and the Comanche Creek Greenway bike path. From the connection point, the trunkline would cross Hegan Lane and travel under the Class I bike lane located immediately east of the northbound lane of Midway to Entler Avenue. The trunkline would continue east along Entler Avenue, then continue south along Entler Avenue for approximately 530 feet before crossing underneath SR 99 and extending along the former UPRR right of way for approximately 630 feet. The trunkline then shifts north along a City easement, continues through Cramer Lane and heads east at Morrow Lane. At the eastern terminus of Morrow Lane, the City proposes to install a manhole at the south end of an existing 36-inch culvert and connect a 40 foot long pipe in the existing drainage ditch to provide vehicular construction access to the P-18 Sewer Trunkline Project, and to facilitate future maintenance access to the easterly manholes located on the south side of Skyway. The Project would continue along the southside of Skyway just past the Potter Road intersection and terminate 191 feet east of a manhole on the south side of Skyway.
2 documents in project