SCH Number 2024050106

Project Info

Widren Water District Groundwater Quality, Supply, and Drainage Enhancement Program
Annually extract and treat through reverse osmosis up to 2,500 acre-feet of poor-quality groundwater for introduction into an existing water distribution system operated by Firebaugh Canal Water District or the Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC). Treated groundwater introduced into Firebaugh’s water distribution system it will be used within Firebaugh’s service area, and 2,000 acre-feet of Central Valley Project (CVP) water will be made available by Firebaugh for transfer to Westlands Water District (WWD) for use by individuals or entities that own land in both Widren and WWD. Treated groundwater introduced into the DMC will be exchanged with the Bureau of Reclamation to meet existing CVP demands and a like amount of CVP water will be made available to WWD for use by individuals or entities that own land in both Widren and WWD. Use of transferred/exchange water will reduce groundwater pumping from the Westside Groundwater Subbasin. Effluent produced by the reverse osmosis process will be blended with groundwater and delivered to landowners within Widren, who operate under the State Water Resources Control Board’s Waste Discharge Requirements General Order (Order R5-2015-0095) for growers in the Grassland Drainage Area. for irrigation of salt tolerant crops.
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Widren Water District Widren Water District Groundwater Quality, Supply, and Drainage Enhancement Program
Widren Water District Widren Water District Groundwater Quality, Supply, and Drainage Enhancement Program