SCH Number 2024010955

Project Info

2000 Foster Avenue Vegetation Clearing
California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt (Cal Poly Humboldt) is proposing the removal of vegetation within a portion of the property located at 2000 Foster Avenue (approximately 12.1 of 18.8 acres) to conduct a topographic survey of the site and to improve safety and visibility on the site. The site is currently dominated by dense nonnative cover, primarily Himalayan blackberry, which precludes an accurate survey of the site and preventing University Police from safely patrolling the property. Vegetation removal would require approximately 80 hours, assuming a single loader with a masticating head attachment. Minimal ground disturbance would be necessary, and all masticated vegetation debris would remain onsite. Work would be avoided within exclusion areas that would be established at the riparian dripline associated with McDaniel Slough along the eastern edge of the project site and along the northern extent of the freshwater emergent wetland located at the southern property boundary.
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California State University, Humboldt 2000 Foster Avenue Vegetation Clearing