SCH Number 2024010394
Project Info
- Title
- Garvey Reservoir Rehabilitation Project
- Description
- The proposed Project involves various upgrades, replacements, and improvements to Metropolitan facilities located at Garvey Reservoir, including but not limited to, replacement of the reservoir floating cover and liner, seismic retrofit of the inlet/outlet tower, replacement of five valves in the junction structure, upgrades and redesign of the facility electrical system, replacement of the existing standby generator, improvements to the telemetry equipment associated with the surge tank, re-configuration of and upgrades to the Administration Building and Water Quality Control Laboratory, construction of a new pump station facility, and various site upgrades such as upgrading the ammonia feed system, re-pavement or repair of existing internal roadways, replacement of fencing, installation of stormwater control improvements, landscaping removal and/or replacement, and upgrades to security features. Operations and maintenance activities at the Garvey Reservoir, including the frequency of staff visits, monthly testing of the standby generator, electricity usage, and water usage in the Administration Building and Water Quality Laboratory, would remain similar to existing conditions once construction activities are completed.
2 documents in project