SCH Number 2023120386

Project Info

PLNP2016-00063 Sacramento County Climate Action Plan
The CAP is a comprehensive plan for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapting to the effects of climate change that identifies strategies and measures to meet the State of California’s 2030 and 2045 GHG emissions reduction targets. The CAP is a multi-objective plan that balances environmental, economic, and community interests; provides mechanisms to reduce GHG emissions associated with implementing the Sacramento County General Plan of 2005–2030; and aligns with multiple County initiatives. The overall objective of the CAP is to reduce GHG emissions generated from activities within the unincorporated county (community) and GHG emissions generated by County facilities and operational activities throughout the county, including facilities and operations located within incorporated cities, to meet or exceed GHG reduction goals under State laws. The CAP identifies 16 community-wide measures and six government operations measures intended to reduce the total net amount of GHG emissions occurring within the unincorporated Sacramento County and from County operation. The community GHG emissions reduction measures in the CAP would reduce annual community emissions by 1,427,900 and 1,243,200 metric tons carbon dioxide per year (MTCO2e/year) in 2030 and 2045, respectively. The CAP would achieve the community-wide emissions reduction goals for 2030 (1,303,700 MTCO2e) and 2045 (1,237,700 MTCO2e). Government operations measures would reduce GHG emissions related to government operations by 36,400 MTCO2e by 2030 and 34,500 MTCO2e by 2045. The CAP would achieve the government operations emissions reduction goals for 2030 (36,100 MTCO2e) and 2045 (27,400 MTCO2e). Furthermore, the CAP identifies a total of 43 climate adaptation measures to reduce the County’s exposure and sensitivity to climate effects and increase adaptive capacity. These climate adaptation measures set forth a strategy for the County to prepare for increased: temperatures and extreme heat days, risk of wildfire, drought, flooding, and sea level rise. Many climate adaptation measures may also reduce GHG emissions, improve public health, and achieve other co-benefits that further the County’s sustainability and environmental justice goals and improve community resilience. The CAP would not result in any new or more severe impacts than disclosed in the EIR for the Sacramento County General Plan of 2005–2030 (State Clearinghouse No. 2007082086).
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Sacramento County PLNP2016-00063 Sacramento County Climate Action Plan
Sacramento County PLNP2016-00063 Sacramento County Climate Action Plan