SCH Number 2023090056
Project Info
- Title
- El Rio Substation Project
- Description
- SMUD is proposing the construction and operation of a new substation and decommissioning and removal of outdated equipment at the existing Elverta Substation. The proposed El Rio Substation would include new transformers and circuit breakers, a control building, paved access, fencing, lighting, stormwater drainage, stormwater retention basin, and utilities. North of the substation, two existing electrical towers carrying 230-kilovolt (kV) transmission lines would be replaced with two or three steel monopoles (also known as steel tubular poles) to tie the substation into the existing grid. Following the energization of the proposed El Rio Substation, the existing Elverta Substation would be decommissioned, and the outdated substation equipment dismantled and removed from the site. Project construction is anticipated to begin during the first quarter of 2025 and would be completed by late 2026, involving active construction for approximately 24 months, and 3 months to decommission the Elverta Substation.
2 documents in project