SCH Number 2023050632

Project Info

Bohannon Dam Automation Project
The primary purpose of the Bohannon Dam Automation Project (Proposed Project) is to improve irrigation and flood control and enhance water sustainability in the Sacramento River Basin. On average of 20,000 acre-feet of water is lost from the Main Drain each year and installation of the Proposed Project would allow Reclamation District No. 1500 (RD 1500 or District) and Sutter Mutual Water Company (SMWC) to efficiently operate the irrigation system to reduce spills past Bohannon Dam. A new Bohannon Dam structure would be fitted with six Rubicon SlipGates (or check structures). These check structures are 100% watertight when the SlipGates are in their closed position, allowing the check structure to pass zero flow downstream when there is no flow demand scheduled. The SlipGates have been selected to meet the required discharge capacity per SMWC guidelines for the head work check structure. In addition, one trash rack would be added to the Bohannon Dam structure. The new Bohannon Dam or Water Control Facility would be managed by a central SCADA system, Rubicon SCADAConnect Live that precisely controls the flows in the Main Canal past the new Bohannon Dam. Rubicon’s cloud-based software would provide remote and precise management of water by writing gate position set points to each check structure to precisely match all water extractions including farmer water deliveries upstream and maintain required water level for operational efficiencies.
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Reclamation District No. 1500 Bohannon Dam Automation Project
Reclamation District No. 1500 Bohannon Dam Automation Project
Reclamation District No. 1500 Bohannon Dam Automation Project