SCH Number 2023040719
Project Info
- Title
- Kifer Receiving Station BESS Project
- Description
- SVP is proposing the Kifer Receiving Station (KRS) Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Project (Project or proposed Project), which would construct a BESS on 1.2 acres to the west of the existing Kifer Receiving Station, in the City of Santa Clara. The site is accessed from Raymond Street. The site is not accessible from any other roads and is surrounded by existing low intensity office and light industrial land uses. The Project would construct and operate a 50-megawatt (MW) BESS, with a four-hour duration, which would be interconnected to SVP’s Kenneth (KEN) Substation, via a new SVP-owned 60 kilovolt (kV) interconnection to the existing KEN-OKJ 60 kV line. The BESS would provide SVP with additional local area capacity for electrical system reliability and flexibility. The site currently has an existing building on it, which will be demolished as part of the Project. The site will be paved with an aggregate base. Construction is estimated to begin in December 2023, and would take approximately 16 months.
2 documents in project