SCH Number 2022120630
Project Info
- Title
- PA-2000217, 218 & PA-2200021, 70 (GP, SU & ZR, WC) - Revised
- Description
- PA-2000217: A General Plan Amendment to change the General Plan Designation of a 14.5-acre portion of a 78.78-acre parcel from A/UR (Agriculture Urban Reserve) to R/VL (Very Low Density Residential). PA-2200021: A Zone Reclassification to change the zoning designation of the same 14.5-acre portion of a 78.78-acre parcel from AU-20 (Agriculture Urban Reserve, 20-acre minimum) to R-VL (Very Low Density Residential). PA-2000218: A Major Subdivision to divide the same 14.5-acre parcel into a maximum of 26 residential lots, ranging in size from 17,000 square feet to 34,500 square feet. The remaining 64.28 acres will be subdivided into one 20-acre agricultural lot to the south of the residential subdivision and one 44.28-acre agricultural lot to the north of the residential subdivision. The proposed residential lots will utilize the provisions of Development Title Section 9-203.030(a)(1)(E) for lot size averaging and will be served by Woodbridge Sanitary District for sewer, and by the Mokelumne Acres Maintenance District for water and stormwater drainage services. The subdivision will be accessed through 2 points: An existing access road (Rivermist Drive) to the east and a new access road connecting to Woodbridge Road to the south and crossing the Woodbridge Irrigation Canal with a new vehicle bridge. The new access road will be constructed across a 1.57-acre portion of the proposed 20-acre agricultural lot, the majority of which is currently under Williamson Act Contract No. WA-71-C1-0332. PA-2200070: A Williamson Act Cancellation to cancel a 1.56-acre portion of Williamson Act Contract No. WA-71-C1-0332 on APN: 015-020-26. This parcel, located south of the primary project site, will be utilized to provide access from Woodbridge Road. The Cancellation includes only the portion of the property and contract that will be impacted by development of the roadway.
2 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
MND | San Joaquin County | PA-2000217, 218 & PA-2200021, 70 (GP, SU & ZR, WC) - Revised | |
MND | San Joaquin County | General Plan Amendment No. PA-2000217, Zone Reclassification No. PA-2200021, Major Subdivisiion No. PA-2000218, Williamson Act Cancellation No. PA-2200070 |