SCH Number 2022090383
Project Info
- Title
- 31796 Coast Highway-- Fire Station No. 4 Relocation Project
- Description
- The City of Laguna Beach’s (City) Administrative Policy Manual, Chapter Five, General Policy 5-17, provides procedures for the City to follow in the acquisition of real property for City use/ownership, etc. In part, Section 5 Environmental Review notes that acquisition of real property by a public agency is a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and may be subject to certain exemptions. Further, the policy advises that the Community Development Department should be consulted to ensure that the appropriate environmental review is conducted and that any necessary environmental documentation is completed prior to a decision to acquire the parcel. Therefore, this environmental document is being prepared to consider the City’s potential acquisition of the real property located at 31786 and 31796 Coast Highway. The analysis considers the acquisition of the project site for construction of a replacement fire station for the nearby Fire Station No. 4. The replacement fire station would include living quarters, three apparatus bays, and an exterior public restroom within an approximately 9,250 sf, two-story (26 feet including roof) building. A surface parking lot would provide 10 parking spaces. The station would include two driveways, one on Coast Highway and one on 5th Avenue. The Coast Highway driveway would provide employee vehicle ingress and egress (right turn only egress) and fire engine and, paramedic truck ingress. Fire engines and paramedic trucks would exit the site via the 5th Avenue driveway. Fire station priority signal lighting would be added on Coast Highway.
2 documents in project