SCH Number 2022050287
Project Info
- Title
- 2022 Air Quality Management Plan
- Description
- In accordance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency strengthening the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ground-level 8-hour ozone in 2015, by lowering the primary and secondary 8-hour ozone standard to 70 parts per billion , the 2022 AQMP identifies control measures and strategies which have been developed to bring the South Coast Air Basin and the Coachella Valley into attainment with this standard by 2037. The 2022 AQMP control measures and strategies were developed to achieve this NAAQS by focusing on reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), which are precursors to the formation of ozone, and other air pollutants. The 2022 AQMP is comprised of the following control measures which address stationary point and area and mobile sources: 1) the South Coast AQMD’s Stationary and Mobile Source Control Measures; 2) control measures identified in the 2022 State Strategy for the State Implementation Plan by the California Air Resources Board; and 3) approved Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy and Transportation Control Measures provided by the Southern California Association of Governments. The 2022 AQMP also includes emission inventories, the most current air quality data, updated growth projections, new up-to-date modeling techniques, demonstrations of compliance with state and federal Clean Air Act requirements, and an adoption and implementation schedule for the proposed control strategies. The 2022 AQMP is designed to protect and improve public health for those living, working and visiting the region within South Coast AQMD’s jurisdiction. The proposed project is estimated to reduce NOx emissions by approximately 124 tons per day beyond implementation of existing regulations. The analysis in the Draft Program EIR concluded that impacts to the following environmental topic areas would be significant and unavoidable: 1) air quality during construction and greenhouse gases; 2) energy; 3) hazards and hazardous materials; 4) hydrology and water quality; 5) noise; and 6) solid and hazardous waste. No other significant adverse impacts were identified. Of the entities affected by the 2022 AQMP, some are facilities that may be identified on lists compiled by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control per Government Code Section 65962.5. However, the implementation of the 2022 AQMP will not alter the status of the facilities on the lists.
4 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | South Coast Air Quality Management District | South Coast Air Basin Attainment Plan for the 2012 Annual PM2.5 Standard (PM2.5 Plan) | |
NOD | South Coast Air Quality Management District | 2022 Air Quality Management Plan | |
EIR | South Coast Air Quality Management District | 2022 Air Quality Management Plan | |
NOP | South Coast Air Quality Management District | 2022 Air Quality Management Plan |