SCH Number 2022050187
Project Info
- Title
- 190th Street & Western Avenue Commercial Center Project
- Description
- Development of a new commercial center composed of five one-story commercial buildings for retail and restaurant use, including three restaurant buildings with drive-thru lanes, all situated on a 5.28-acre site. The project would be located at the northwest corner of 190th Street and Western Avenue. Construction is proposed in two phases (Phase I and II). The project would rearrange and consolidate the site, which currently has six parcels, into four parcels. The combined building floor area would total 22,939 square feet and the outdoor patio areas would total 3,064 square feet, resulting in a 0.10 Floor Area Ratio (FAR), within the maximum 0.60 FAR analyzed in the 2009 General Plan EIR (SCH No. 2008111046). The heights for each building vary with Building 1 measuring 23’ in height, Building 2 measuring 21’ in height, Building 3 measuring 23’ in height, and Buildings 4A and 4B measuring 35’ in height. The pylon sign would measure 75’ in height and would be situated at the northeast corner of the project site adjacent to I-405. Access to the project site is proposed from two new driveways and pedestrian pathways on 190th Street and one new driveway and pedestrian pathway on Western Avenue. The parking area would provide 249 parking spaces. The project will require a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of the commercial buildings, and a Division of Lot to rearrange and consolidate six existing parcels into four parcels.
3 documents in project