SCH Number 2022040458
Project Info
- Title
- Vernon Westside Zone Change and General Plan Amendment
- Description
- The Vernon Westside Zone Change and General Plan Amendment (Project) includes a set of targeted zone changes combined with General Plan land use amendments to four specific areas within the general Project Area that would allow for additional residential and commercial uses in the form of mixed-use development. The purpose of these proposed zone changes is to implement regulatory standards that address the concerns raised during community outreach. This includes a 17-member Stakeholders Advisory Committee and City leaders. The Project would reinvigorate the City’s competitive advantage as a center of production; strengthen and provide long-term stability to the City’s fiscal position; increase the residential population; diversify and reorient the land uses in the Project Area to take advantage of changes in the economic landscape of Southern California; increase amenities available to local residents and workers; and create a physical environment that is supportive of diverse land uses, welcoming to the larger region, and enhancing to the City’s image and identity. The Project would rezone the Project Area from the current Industrial and Commercial-2 Overlay Zone into the following Mixed Use zones: City Center, Santa Fe North, Santa Fe South, and Pacific Hampton.
3 documents in project