SCH Number 2022030580
Project Info
- Title
- Water Supply Improvement Project
- Description
- The project being considered at this time is the drilling, testing, and equipping of four new wells at the locations identified above, and the extension of a water line to the EAPOA and installation of a loop distribution system within the EAPOA property boundary. The LPUD will drill the test wells using a casing hammer drilling method at two locations – Well 11 and Well 12 replacement sites. The test well will be drilled to an appropriate depth of 900 feet with systematic tests to determine an actual production zone of groundwater without substantial contamination. Assuming adequate water quality meeting drinking water standards, a production well will be constructed with continued water quality monitoring. Once drilled, each well will be equipped with vertical turbine pumps, motor discharge piping, electrical and controls, and connections installed to the existing distribution system. If needed, well head treatment may be added to one or more of the wells. The LPUD will install a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system for remote monitoring and control of the District facilities. To supply the EAPOA project area, a 10-inch diameter water transmission line will be installed within the existing disturbed road right-of-way of Di Giorogio Road. This will encompass installing approximately 11,000 feet of pipeline in this alignment. At the intersection of Di Giorgio Road and Alderwood Street an 8 inch diameter water distribution line will connect into the 10-inch transmission line and a new looped distribution line will be installed within the residential area. This new water line will be approximately 20,000 feet in length. In conjunction with replacement of the existing EAPOA water system the following actions will be completed: properly abandon EAPOA Wells 1 and 2; demolish the existing EAPOA 25,000- and 44,000-gallon water storage tanks (steel storage tanks); demolish and remove existing booster pump stations at Well 1 and 2; and install water meters at the existing 81 water connections. It is assumed there will be no increase in water demand within Lamont and the EAPOA project area. The LPUD will have to pump more water (estimated to be 205 gpm during peak hour), but from an aquifer-wide standpoint this increase in water production will be offset by closure/abandonment of the two EAPOA wells currently used to supply the EAPOA residents with potable water.
3 documents in project