SCH Number 2022030183
Project Info
- Title
- Use Permit Application No. PLN2022-0003 – FM Ingredients
- Description
- Request to establish an agricultural service establishment on a 39.64± acre parcel in the General Agriculture (A-2-40) zoning district. The proposal includes installation of micronutrient mineral batching equipment consisting of loadout and receiving elevators, and conveyors, within an existing 125,000± square-foot agricultural storage building, and construction of three prefabricated steel receiving feed silo tanks for the purpose of mixing nutrients for incorporation into dairy feed. The height of the proposed silos will be up to 52± feet tall. The facility will be owned, operated by, and serve a small group of dairymen and industry professionals within Stanislaus County, as well as dairies within surrounding counties, for the purpose of decreasing internal costs and to mix mineral blends to serve the needs of each individual dairy. The two-week referral previously circulated for the project indicated the project site was improved with one single-family dwelling, barn, and a 125,000± square-foot agricultural storage building; however, the barn indicated on-site also contains an area converted into a single-family dwelling. Additionally, there is an unpermitted office and restroom within the agricultural storage building. The property was formerly a dairy operation; however, the use of the dairy has ceased on the property. The project site is not currently planted, but receives irrigation water from an on-site deep well. The facility will be mostly automated and will operate with a maximum of three employees, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., seven days a week, year-round. Up to five truck trips and customer trips will occur daily, with the customers consisting of the ownership group who will pick up the mineral mix to be incorporated into dairy feed off-site. An employee restroom is located within the existing agricultural storage building. The site is served by a private well and on-site wastewater treatment system. Drainage is proposed to be handled on-site via overland runoff. The facility and related traffic will take access off County-maintained Hilmar Road via a proposed 20-foot all-weather driveway.
3 documents in project