SCH Number 2022020536
Project Info
- Title
- Tuscan Ridge Project
- Description
- The proposed project would include subdivision of the project site to develop a total of 165 residential units, 15.9 acres of commercial development, 4.1 acres of landscape, 36.7 acres of open space, 49 acres of special utility district, various on-site road improvements, and a sanitary waste disposal station. The proposed project would require County approval of a Planned Development Rezone; Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map; and a Minor Use Permit for development within the Scenic Highway Overlay Zone. Other approvals necessary to implement the proposed project would include Paradise Irrigation District (PID) operation and maintenance of the proposed project’s water and sewer lines. PID maintenance of such facilities would be covered by an extraterritorial service agreement or annexation of the project site into the PID service area, which would be subject to approval by the Butte Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo).
2 documents in project