SCH Number 2022020137
Project Info
- Title
- La Puerta School Site Specific Plan
- Description
- The proposed project includes the adoption of a General Plan amendment and zone change and approval of a specific plan. Specifically, the Claremont General Plan land use map would be amended to change the land use designation from Public to Residential 6 (residential with a maximum density of 6 units per acre), and the City’s zoning map would be amended to change the land use designation from Public to Specific Plan. At the same time, a Specific Plan would be adopted. The La Puerta School Site Specific Plan would permit development of residential uses consistent with the proposed General Plan designation and includes implementation procedures/mechanisms and development and design standards (e.g., building height and setback, density, lot size, design requirements) under which development of the Project Area would be implemented. Subsequent approvals required to implement the project applicant’s intention to develop the Project Area with residential homes include: a tentative subdivision map, design review of the proposed homes, and compliance with the City’s Inclusionary Housing requirements.
2 documents in project