SCH Number 2021120424
Project Info
- Title
- City of Arcadia 6th Cycle Housing Element Update (2021-2029)
- Description
- The proposed City of Arcadia 6th Cycle Housing Element Update (HEU) (2021-2029) Project consists of a comprehensive update to the City of Arcadia’s last adopted Housing Element (referred to as the 5th Cycle) in accordance with State law. The HEU has been prepared to establish policies, procedures, and incentives in future land use planning and development activities that result in maintenance and expansion of the housing supply to adequately accommodate the City’s anticipated housing needs. The HEU also addresses existing and projected housing needs through the accommodation of the City’s Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) allocation. To accommodate its RHNA allocation, the City identified potential housing sites that could accommodate a variety of housing types for all income levels and needs of special population groups. The City does not propose any site development on a candidate housing site/parcel. Instead, the HEU identifies potential sites for future residential development and creates the framework to allow the market the opportunity to develop these units. Potential impacts of the project will be analyzed in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) on a site-specific basis. The City has prepared an Initial Study (IS), pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations § 15063 (“CEQA Guidelines”) to determine the project's potential impact on the environment. The City has determined that the project will pose no environmental impacts on the environment without the need for mitigation. As such, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts was also prepared for the Project.
3 documents in project