SCH Number 2021100335
Project Info
- Title
- Escuela Avenue Mixed-Use Project
- Description
- The project includes a request for a General Plan Map Amendment from Medium-Density Residential to Mixed-Use Corridor; a Zoning Map Amendment from the R3-2.5 (Multiple-Family Residential) Zoning District to the P-38 (El Camino Real) Precise Plan; and a Planned Community, Development Review, and Provisional Use Permits to construct a 3-story, mixed-use project with rooftop amenities consisting of 2,329 square feet of ground-floor commercial and 25 residential apartment units and one level of underground parking, replacing an existing 6,075 square-foot commercial building and a single-family residence on a 0.45-acre site and a Lot Line Adjustment to combine two parcels into one. This project is located in the P-38 (El Camino Real) Precise Plan and the R3-2.5 (Multiple-Family) Zoning District.
2 documents in project