SCH Number 2021090538
Project Info
- Title
- OG CREH 2 Wells 01262021
- Description
- California Resources Elk Hills, LLC has submitted two Applications for Permit to Drill to drill two new oil production wells 624H-6D and 658H-36-6D on federal mineral lease CAS019343 located in Section 6, T32S, R24E MDBM Kern County, CA. The proposed project would occur on public lands containing BLM administered mineral estate within the Buena Vista Oilfield. The project includes the expansion of an existing well pad on an existing developed area, the drilling of two new wells, and installation of an associated new 3-inch and 4-inch steel pipelines, and two power poles resulting in approximately 0.737 acres of new habitat disturbance, requiring a total of 1.115 acres of compensation and 0.737 acres of replacement, to meet conditions of the 2017 programmatic Biological Opinion on Oil and Gas.
2 documents in project