SCH Number 2021060079

Project Info

Rosamond South Solar Project by Golden Fields Solar IV, LLC
The Rosamond South Solar Project, as proposed by Golden Fields Solar IV, LLC would develop a photovoltaic solar facility and associated infrastructure necessary to generate up to 165 megawatt-alternating current (MW-AC) of renewable energy, including up to 245 megawatts (980 MWh) of energy storage, on approximately 1,292 acres of privately-owned land. The project site consists of 4 sites (Sites 1 through 4) located on 64 parcels. The project would be supported by a 230-kilovolt (kV) gen-tie overhead and/or underground electrical transmission line(s) originating from one or more on-site substations and terminating at either the Teddy Substation or the Southern California Edison's Whirlwind Substation. The project’s permanent facilities would include, but are not limited to, service roads, a power collection system, inverter stations, transformer systems, transmission lines, electrical switchyards, project substations, energy (battery) storage system, and operations and maintenance facilities. Implementation of the project as proposed would require: SPA 40, Map #231; SPA 33, Map #232; ZCC 157, Map #231; ZCC 43, Map #232; ZCC 18, Map #233; CUP 120, Map #231; CUP 40, Map #232; CUP 46, Map #232; CUP 44, Map #232; CUP 16, Map #233; SPA 31, Map #232, and Nonsummary Vacations in ZMs 231 and 232.
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Kern County Golden Fields Solar IV by QK (PP19151) - Streets and Highways - Nonsummary Vacation - Map 232
Kern County Golden Fields Solar IV by QK Nonsum Vac Map 232
Kern County Rosamond South Solar Project (Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act (WJTCA) Incidental Take Permit No. 1927-ITP-2023-018-04 (ITP))
Kern County Rosamond South Solar Project
Kern County Rosamond South Solar Project by Golden Fields Solar IV, LLC
Kern County Rosamond South Solar Project by Golden Fields Solar IV, LLC
Kern County Rosamond South Solar Project by Golden Fields Solar IV, LLC