SCH Number 2020120204
Project Info
- Title
- Climate Action Plan Update
- Description
- The project is an updated climate action plan (CAP Update) that fulfills the mitigation requirements established in the environmental impact report (EIR) prepared for the County's 2011 General Plan (State Clearinghouse No. 2002111067). The CAP Update includes measures and actions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the unincorporated county and from County operations to meet or exceed GHG reduction goals established by the State. The CAP Update proposes nine strategies, 21 measures, and 70 actions that the County would implement to reduce GHG emissions. To improve alignment with between State regulation, the proposed CAP Update, and the County's 2011 General Plan, the project also includes changes to Goal COS-20 and Policy COS-20 of the 2011 General Plan and mitigation measures adopted in the certified Final Program EIR (Mitigation Measures CC-1.2, CC-1.7, and CC-1.8). This draft SEIR has been prepared subsequent to the 2011 Program EIR and evaluates and discloses the environmental impacts related to implementation of the CAP Update, which is a mitigation requirement of the 2011 GPU PEIR, per the requirements of State CEQA Guidelines Section 15163. This document addresses whether the CAP Update, Associated General Plan amendments, County of San Diego Guidelines for Determining Significance: Climate Change, and GHG Threshold (including the CAP Consistency Review Checklist) would result in any new or substantially more severe environmental impacts than those previously evaluated in the certified 2011 Program EIR for the General Plan.
2 documents in project