SCH Number 2020019002
Project Info
- Title
- Highland Redlands Regional Connector Project
- Description
- The Cities of Highland and Redlands jointly plan to improve the non-motorized transportation network by constructing regional bikeways and walkways. Bicycle and pedestrian improvements will be constructed along 4.7 contiguous miles of streets and easements in the cities of Highland and Redlands. Work will include pavement widening, curb and gutter, curb ramps, median curbs, sidewalks, pavement repairs, slurry seal, Class I, II, and Ill bikeway/pedestrian paths, bicycle/pedestrian bridge, bike racks, bollards, bike signals, in-roadway bicycle detection, pedestrian heads, sharrows (shared lane markings), enhanced crosswalks, warning beacons, roadway and bikeway signage, lighting, and speed feedback signs.
3 documents in project