SCH Number 2019129098
Project Info
- Title
- PA-1900025 (SA)
- Description
- The applicant has submitted Site Approval application to construct a permanent concrete manufacturing facility on an 11.07-acre parcel with an existing construction office, corporation yard, and asphalt batch plant. The project includes the construction of a 432 square foot commercial coach to be utilized as an office, a bathroom building, three (3) washout basins, two (2) aggregate storage silos, a 1,000-gallon above ground diesel storage tank, and an aggregate hopper. The project propose three (3) passenger car parking spaces, and twelve ( 12) truck parking spaces. Operations will take place ten (10) hours a day, six (6) days per week, with a maximum of twenty (20) employees per shift. There will be no customers on site. The site will utilize a private septic system, on-site stormwater drainage, and proposes public water service through the City of Stockton. The site will have direct access from South Harlan Road. The project site is not under a Williamson Act contract.
2 documents in project