SCH Number 2019080009

Project Info

Syphon Reservoir Improvement Project
The proposed Syphon Reservoir Improvement Project (proposed project) would increase the capacity of the existing recycled water reservoir from approximately 500 acre-feet (AF) to 5,000 AF. The proposed project would replace the existing engineered dam with a new engineered dam, increasing the existing 59-foot dam height to 136 feet and increasing the elevation of the dam crest from the existing 388 feet above mean sea level (amsl) to 466 feet amsl. A spillway would be included with the new dam to protect the reservoir from overtopping. As part of the new design, the engineered embankment dam would include a seepage control drainage system and a circulation system for the reservoir. The existing strainer and disinfection facilities would be demolished, reconstructed and expanded at the toe of the new dam to provide filtration and disinfection. Additional project features include new onsite access and maintenance roads; wetland and riparian mitigation areas; and a potential recreational facility.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Irvine Ranch Water District Syphon Reservoir Improvement Project
Irvine Ranch Water District Syphon Reservoir Improvement Project
Irvine Ranch Water District Syphon Reservoir Improvement Project
Irvine Ranch Water District Syphon Reservoir Improvement Project
Irvine Ranch Water District Syphon Reservoir Improvement Project