SCH Number 2018121017
Project Info
- Title
- Upper Santa Ana River Habitat Conservation Plan Environmental Impact Report
- Description
- The San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District as the Lead Agency has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (SCH #2018121017) pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act for the Upper Santa Ana River Habitat Conservation Plan. The Proposed Project includes the adoption and implementation of the Upper SAR HCP, which will provide a framework to protect, enhance, and restore the habitat for specifically identified plant and animal species, while streamlining permitting for specified projects in a specified Permit Area. The term Proposed Project, as used in this EIR, for CEQA purposes, is defined as the adoption and implementation of the Upper SAR HCP and associated Incidental Take Permits for Permittee Covered Activities. Therefore, the Proposed Project evaluated in this DEIR is focused on the potential direct and indirect impacts that could result from the implementation of conservation actions and the issuance of ITPs for Covered Activities.
2 documents in project