SCH Number 2018102039
Project Info
- Title
- Santa Cruz Water Rights Project
- Description
- The Proposed Project would improve flexibility in operation of the City’s water system while enhancing stream flows for local anadromous fisheries. The Proposed Project includes components that are considered in the EIR at a “project” level (project components) and components that are considered at a “programmatic” level (programmatic components). The primary project and programmatic components include: (1) water rights modifications related to place of use, method of diversion, points of diversion and rediversion, underground storage and purpose of use, extension of time, and stream bypass requirements for fish habitats (referred to as Agreed Flows); (2) water supply augmentation components, including new aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) facilities at unidentified locations, Beltz ASR facilities at the existing Beltz well facilities, and water transfers and exchanges and intertie improvements; and (3) surface water diversion improvements, including the Felton Diversion fish passage improvements and the Tait Diversion and Coast Pump Station improvements.
4 documents in project