SCH Number 2018072068
Project Info
- Title
- Mission Point Project
- Description
- The Project would demolish the existing office buildings and establish a new mixed-use neighborhood. The project includes a General Plan amendment from High-Intensity Office/Research-and-Development (R&D) to a newly established Urban Center Mixed Use, and the existing zoning would be changed from Light Industrial to Planned Development. The Project would include up to 4,913,000 gross square feet (gsf) of new development, including approximately 1.8 million gsf of residential uses (up to 1,800 units), approximately 3 million gsf of office/R&D space, approximately 100,000 gsf of neighborhood retail uses, and approximately 10,000 gsf of childcare facilities, along with 3,000 gsf of community space. An approximately 18,000 gsf electrical substation would also be constructed to support the Project. Parking would be provided in a mix of subsurface and aboveground parking facilities. In addition, the Project would include approximately 16 acres of publicly accessible open space; approximately 10 acres of private open space for residential and office uses; new bicycle, pedestrian, and vehicular circulation routes; and upgraded and expanded infrastructure.
4 documents in project