SCH Number 2017122011

Project Info

PA-1700252 (Minor Subdivision)
A minor subdivision application to subdivide an existing 119.2 acre parcel into four parcels and a designated remainder parcel. Parcel 1 to contain 12.06 acres. Parcel 2 to contain 24.11 acres. Parcel 3 to contain 24.00 acres. Parcel 4 to contain 12.00 acres. Designated remainder parcel to contain 49.23 acres. This parcel is under a Williamson Act contract. The property is zoned AL-10 (Limited Agriculture, 10-acre minimum) and the General Plan designation is A/L (Limited Agriculture). The project site is located on the southeast corner of Escalon Bellota Road and Edwards Road, Escalon (APN/Address: 207-320-09/13822 South Escalon Bellota Road, Escalon) (Supervisorial District 4).
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Joaquin County PA-1700252 (Minor Subdivision)
San Joaquin County PA-1700252 (Minor Subdivision)