SCH Number 2017041061

Project Info

City of Fresno Northeast Surface Water Treatment Facility Storage Tank Addendum
The City is proposing to refine the configuration of the previously approved facilities as analyzed in the certified Supplemental MND, which included changes to the existing overflow basin from an east-west alignment to a north-south alignment. The 6 million gallon (MG) water storage tank was proposed immediately to the east of the overflow basin. The current configuration would keep the existing overflow basin where it is currently located, but would move the location of the storage tank and associated infrastructure immediately south of the overflow basin, with a 10-foot high earthen berm to be constructed along the perimeter of the grove surrounding the tank. The storage tank would remain 6 MG in size but would extend farther into the existing grove than in the previously approved configuration. The current configuration may change slightly within the existing study area, and will result int he removal of the existing grove.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Fresno Northeast Surface Water Treatment Facility 6 MG Finished Water Reservoir
City of Fresno City of Fresno Northeast Surface Water Treatment Facility (NESWTF) Storage Tank Project Addendum to the Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration
City of Fresno City of Fresno Northeast Surface Water Treatment Facility (NESWTF) Storage Tank Project/Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration
City of Fresno City of Fresno Northeast Surface Water Treatment Facility Storage Tank Addendum
City of Fresno City of Fresno Northeast Surface Water Treatment Facility Storage Tank Project