SCH Number 2016092058

Project Info

Bypass Water Supply Pipeline Project
The City of Weed adopted a MND for the Bypass Water Supply Pipeline Project On Dec. 8, 2016. Following adoption of the MND, the City determined that revisions to the project were required to ensure a safe and reliable water supply, and an Addendum (Addendum NO. 1) to the previously adopted MND was prepared. Following adoption of Addendum No. 1, geotechnical testing revealed that geological constraints would not allow trenchless installation of the pipe up School Hill as originally proposed, and the original alignment was too steep to allow safe installation with open-cut trenching. It was determined the pipe could be safely installed using open-cut trenching further north on School Hill. The modified alignment includes additional pipeline improvements in the road rights-of-way of Olive Street and/or E. Lake Street, Clay Street, E. Inez Street, and Butte Street. The subject properties are not included on any list of hazardous waste facilities/sites pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the CA Government Code.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Weed City of Weed Bypass Water Supply Pipeline Project
City of Weed City of Weed Bypass Water Supply Pipeline Project Addendum No. 2 to the previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration
City of Weed Bypass Water Supply Pipeline Project
City of Weed City of Weed Bypass Water Supply Pipeline Project
City of Weed City of Weed Bypass Water Supply Pipeline Project
City of Weed City of Weed Bypass Water Supply Pipeline Project