SCH Number 2016052006
Project Info
- Title
- Addendum No.1 (Addendum) to the Marina Plaza Project Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Description
- De Anza Venture, LLC, the project Applicant, proposes the approved Marina Plaza Mixed-Use Project, which would demolish two existing commercial buildings totaling approximately 49,140 square feet on a 5.12-acre site and redevelop the project site with three mixed-use buildings with 41,589 square feet of commercial space and 206 residential units. The buildings range from four to five stories, each with one level of underground parking at the basement levels. The maximum height of these buildings range from 50 feet to 64 feet at the tallest points. The proposed project would provide 608 vehicular parking stalls, including 262 electric vehicle parking spaces, and 194 bicycle parking stalls, and both private and common open space areas.
2 documents in project