SCH Number 2015121066
Project Info
- Title
- Town and Country
- Description
- The project is requesting General Plan Amendment and Community Plan Amendment to amend the Atlas Specific Plan and the Mission Valley Community Plan; Rezone; Vesting Tentative Map for a nine lot subdivision; a Planned Development Permit (PDP) to amend Planned Commercial Development (PCD) 88-0585; a Site Development Permit (SDP) to amend SDP 400602, CUP to amend CUP 88-0585; and various Easement Vacation to construct a mixed use transit oriented development through the consolidation, renovation, and infill development of the existing town and country hotel through a master plan that would establish three districts: park district, residential district, and hotel distirct. The master plan elements include a renovation of portions of the hotel and convention buildings while demolishing other structures to accommodate construction of new hotel facilities and residential uses.
2 documents in project