SCH Number 2015091039
Project Info
- Title
- Safari Highlands Ranch, City Case #: SUB 15-0019, ENV 15-0009
- Description
- Note: Extended Per Lead The proposed project consists of two primary components: 1) the Safari Highlands Ranch project and (2) the citywide SOI update. The SHR project proposes a 550-unit single family residential development with a fire station and public and private recreational amenities on approx 1,098 acres. The SOI update includes seven Candidate Study Areas (including the SHR project site, identified as Candidate Study area 1) being considered for annexation into the city of Escondido limits, as well as certain areas that may be removed from the SOI. The goal of the SOI update is to create more logical borders to reflect the city's vision for the future expansion and to facilitate the identified lands being served by the city at a later date.
2 documents in project