SCH Number 2015061028
Project Info
- Title
- Apple Valley Ranchos (AVR) Water Company Well 35
- Description
- SWRCB as the lead agency will be issuing a water supply permit. The Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company proposes to construct and operate a new municipal-supply water well (Well 35) in the Town of Apple Valley. The proposed well would have a target operational design capacity of 2,000 to 3,000 gallons per minute. The project site is an approximately 0.7-acre parcel located in the vicinity of Apple Valley Road and Sitting Bull Road. The project includes drilling a pilot well, construction of a generator enclosure, construction of a pump house, installation of a new Edison transformer, installation of approximately 240 ft of pipeline from the well to the existing 16-in distribution main on Apple Valley Road, connection of power utility to the pump house and generator enclosure, and abandonment of an existing on-site domestic well.
2 documents in project