SCH Number 2014111067
Project Info
- Title
- C-14-109, Replace City of Fresno Water Well PS 290 with New Water Well PS 290A
- Description
- The applicant proposes the construction of Water Well Pump Station No. 290A located at 2792 W. San Madele Avenue. This new well (Water Well pump Station No. 290A) will primarily replace Pump Station 290 located at 5181 North Van Ness Avenue, which produces 900 gallons per minute, and must be taken out of service and destroyed due to sand production problems and non-compliance with modern sanitary well construction standards. The proposed pump station facility will pump groundwater into the City's municipal water distribution system and will be constructed in three phases, including 1) well drilling, well development and equipment installation including pump, motor and power supply, and connection to the water drilling, well development and equipment installation including pump, motor and power supply, and connection to the water main/s and services to be located within the existing public street rights-of-way; 2) site improvements that include a masonry wall and landscaping, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving and on-site lighting; and if required to address water contamination, 3) installation of a Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Filtration System and water treatment will commence after installation of GAC vessels.
2 documents in project