SCH Number 2014102035

Project Info

Request to develop a 750 foot-deep domestic potable water well to serve the Crows Landing Industrial Business Park (CLIBP), on a one-acre portion of a 70.68 acre. Request to develop a 750-foot-deep domestic potable water well to serve the Crows Landing Industrial Business Park (CLIBP), on a one-acre portion of a 70.68-acre parcel in the A-2-40 (General Agriculture) zoning district. Additionally, this request includes design modifications to the stormwater collection facilities and the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) approved for Phase 1A of the CLIBP site. A Specific Plan for the CLIBP was approved by the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors on December 4, 2018, allowing for the development of a 1,528 acre-site to support a mix of aviation-compatible industrial and business park uses, general aviation, aviation-related land uses, public facilities, a multimodal (bicycle/pedestrian) transportation corridor, and supportive infrastructure. The Project was approved to develop in three phases over 30 years with a 370-acre public-use airport and 14 million square feet of building space with the potential to generate approximately 14,000- 15,000 jobs. As Lead Agency, the County prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the CLIBP Specific Plan and associated update to the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) (State Clearinghouse No. 2014102035). The Draft EIR was circulated for review and a Final EIR (FEIR) was certified by the Board of Supervisors on October 30, 2018. The proposed domestic potable water well will serve the entire CLIBP project site in combination with additional potable and non-potable sources to be developed in the future. The one-acre site will be connected to the County-maintained Bonita Avenue by a 20-foot-wide paved access road, and enclosed by an eight-foot-tall chain-link fence with privacy slats. The domestic well, pump, back-up generator, electrical and telemetry equipment will be developed on a paved portion of the one-acre project site and enclosed by a 900-square foot masonry block structure. The remaining balance of the project site will be graveled and developed with a monitoring well to record data on groundwater quality and depth. The potable water will be conveyed by a 12-inch pipeline south on Bonita Avenue, connecting to an 18 inch pipeline that will travel west on Fink Road 3.3 miles to the southeast portion of the CLIBP project site. The one-acre well site will be acquired, maintained, and operated by the County. The balance of the 69.68-acre parcel will remain in agriculture under private ownership. The Specific Plan, included raising a 1,200 foot portion of Davis Road at least four feet to serve as a levee to prevent 100 year flood flows from encroaching on the area west/southwest of the Delta-Mendota Canal. However, as part of project implementation, it was determined that modifying and relocating the detention/infiltration basin parallel on the south side of the Delta Mendota Canal would adequately address stormwater run-off and drainage for Phase 1A, eliminating the need to raise Davis Road. The modified detention/infiltration basin would be approximately 20 acres in size and landscaped. The soil excavated from the modified detention/infiltration basin would be used within the development area of Phase 1A as fill to contour the site for positive drainage; therefore, off-site disposal of the excavated soil would not be required. Modifications the OWTS for the approved CLIBP site, would include wastewater pipelines that would flow into one centralized wastewater dispersal area. Wastewater pipelines would be located within the right-of-way for the internal roadway system of the site. The wastewater pipeline would go under the detention/infiltration basin and the Delta Mendota Canal and continue north. The OWTS is anticipated to be decommissioned once all improvements are completed and wastewater is transported off-site, as proposed in the approved Specific Plan. The subject use permit will also request that the Planning Commission find the acquisition of the one-acre well site to be in conformance with the County’s General Plan. Facilities for public utilities are a permitted use in the A-2 (General Agriculture) zoning district, subject to approval of a use permit. The Phase 1A infrastructure portion of the approved project analyzed in the FEIR included an internal roadway network and a water supply system, wastewater system, drainage system, and utilities for the entire development. As the engineering details progressed for Phase 1A, the County identified infrastructure modifications, resulting in adjustments to the water, wastewater, and drainage systems that were originally analyzed within the FEIR. Consequently, the County has prepared an Addendum to the EIR, to evaluate whether the proposed modifications to the approved project would result in new or substantially more severe significant environmental impacts disclosed in the FEIR. The addendum found that no new significant impacts would occur as a result of the proposed modifications to the water supply, wastewater, and drainage systems. Additionally, the addendum found that there would be no substantial increase in the severity of any previously identified significant environmental impacts. The Planning Commission will consider approval of the addendum as part of the use permit approval. e parcel in the A-2-40 (General Agriculture) zoning district. Additionally, this request includes design modifications to the stormwater collection facilities and the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) approved for Phase 1A of the CLIBP site. A Specific Plan for the CLIBP was approved by the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors on December 4, 2018, allowing for the development of a 1,528 acre-site to support a mix of aviation-compatible industrial and business park uses, general aviation, aviation-related land uses, public facilities, a multimodal (bicycle/pedestrian) transportation corridor, and supportive infrastructure. The Project was approved to develop in three phases over 30 years with a 370-acre public-use airport and 14 million square feet of building space with the potential to generate approximately 14,000- 15,000 jobs. As Lead Agency, the County prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the CLIBP Specific Plan and associated update to the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) (State Clearinghouse No. 2014102035). The Draft EIR was circulated for review and a Final EIR (FEIR) was certified by the Board of Supervisors on October 30, 2018. The proposed domestic potable water well will serve the entire CLIBP project site in combination with additional potable and non-potable sources to be developed in the future. The one-acre site will be connected to the County-maintained Bonita Avenue by a 20-foot-wide paved access road, and enclosed by an eight-foot-tall chain-link fence with privacy slats. The domestic well, pump, back-up generator, electrical and telemetry equipment will be developed on a paved portion of the one-acre project site and enclosed by a 900-square foot masonry block structure. The remaining balance of the project site will be graveled and developed with a monitoring well to record data on groundwater quality and depth. The potable water will be conveyed by a 12-inch pipeline south on Bonita Avenue, connecting to an 18-inch pipeline that will travel west on Fink Road 3.3 miles to the southeast portion of the CLIBP project site. The one-acre well site will be acquired, maintained, and operated by the County. The balance of the 69.68-acre parcel will remain in agriculture under private ownership. The Specific Plan, included raising a 1,200-foot portion of Davis Road at least four feet to serve as a levee to prevent 100-year flood flows from encroaching on the area west/southwest of the Delta-Mendota Canal. However, as part of project implementation, it was determined that modifying and relocating the detention/infiltration basin parallel on the south side of the Delta Mendota Canal would adequately address stormwater run-off and drainage for Phase 1A, eliminating the need to raise Davis Road. The modified detention/infiltration basin would be approximately 20 acres in size and landscaped. The soil excavated from the modified detention/infiltration basin would be used within the development area of Phase 1A as fill to contour the site for positive drainage; therefore, off-site disposal of the excavated soil would not be required. Modifications the OWTS for the approved CLIBP site, would include wastewater pipelines that would flow into one centralized wastewater dispersal area. Wastewater pipelines would be located within the right-of-way for the internal roadway system of the site. The wastewater pipeline would go under the detention/infiltration basin and the Delta Mendota Canal and continue north. The OWTS is anticipated to be decommissioned once all improvements are completed and wastewater is transported off-site, as proposed in the approved Specific Plan. The subject use permit will also request that the Planning Commission find the acquisition of the one-acre well site to be in conformance with the County’s General Plan. Facilities for public utilities are a permitted use in the A-2 (General Agriculture) zoning district, subject to approval of a use permit. The Phase 1A infrastructure portion of the approved project analyzed in the FEIR included an internal roadway network and a water supply system, wastewater system, drainage system, and utilities for the entire development. As the engineering details progressed for Phase 1A, the County identified infrastructure modifications, resulting in adjustments to the water, wastewater, and drainage systems that were originally analyzed within the FEIR. Consequently, the County has prepared an Addendum to the EIR, to evaluate whether the proposed modifications to the approved project would result in new or substantially more severe significant environmental impacts disclosed in the FEIR. The addendum found that no new significant impacts would occur as a result of the proposed modifications to the water supply, wastewater, and drainage systems. Additionally, the addendum found that there would be no substantial increase in the severity of any previously identified significant environmental impacts. The Planning Commission will consider approval of the addendum as part of the use permit approval.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Stanislaus County Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment, & Rezone Application No. PLN2013-0091 - Crows Landing Industrial Business Park
Stanislaus County Airport Land Use Commission Application No. PLN2013-0091 - Crows Landing Industrial Business Park Specific Plan and Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan Update
Stanislaus County Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment, & Rezone Application No. PLN2013-0091 - Crows Landing Industrial Business Park
Stanislaus County Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment, & Rezone Application No. PLN2013-0091 - Crows Landing Industrial Business Park
Stanislaus County Crows Landing Industrial Business Park Project