SCH Number 2014091001
Project Info
- Title
- Sierra Industrial II Project
- Description
- Zone Change No. 14-006 was approved via ordinance on March 10, 2015, and the approvals of Conditional Use Permit No. 14-019 and Design Review No. 14-013 went into full effect on March 10, 2015. General Plan Amendment No. 14-004, is a request to change the General Plan Land Use Designation from General Commercial (C-G) to Regional Mixed Use (R-MU) on an approximately 10-acre portion of the 38-acre project site, General Plan Amendment No. 14-005, is a request to remove a portion of Mango Avenue from the General Plan Circulation Element, Zone Change No. 14-005, is a request to change the zoning district from General Commercial (C-2) to Regional Mixed Use (R-MU) on an approximately 10-acre portion of the 38-acre portion site and to modify the Warehousing Distribution Logistic Overlay District (WDLOD) boundary to include this 10-acre portion. Zone Change No. 14-006 is a request to add the WDLOD development standards to the entire project site. Conditional Use Permit No. 14-019, is a request to permit the construction of the processed warehouse and set forth the operational conditions and parameters. Design Review No. 14-013, is a request for approval of a site plan, site improvements, and building elevations (architecture) for the approximately 763,283 square foot warehousing building.
5 documents in project