SCH Number 2014072037
Project Info
- Title
- PA-1400117-Site Approval Application
- Description
- A Site Approval application of Bachitar & Jaswinder K. Singh, Tr. (c/o Sign Designs) for a sign modification to increase the number of permitted monument signs from the allowed number of 1 monument sign to 2 monument signs, to increase the height of 1 of the monument signs from the allowed 8 feet in height to 9 feet 10 inches in height, to increase the height of the permitted pole sign from the allowed 45 feet in height to 62 feet 5 inches in height and to increase the sf of the permitted sign face of the pole sign from the allowed 120 sf to 216 sf in the C-FS (Freeway Service Commercial) zone. This parcel is not under a Williamson Act contract. The property is zoned C-FS (Freeway Service Commercial) and the General Plan designation is C/FS (Freeway Service Commercial). The project site is located on the east side of State Route 99 West Frontage Road, 600 feet north of Woodson Road, north of Lodi. (APN/Address: 005-160-19/24323 N. State Route 99 West Frontage Road, Acampo) (Supervisorial District 4).
2 documents in project