SCH Number 2014062009
Project Info
- Title
- PA-1400085
- Description
- A Minor Subdivision application of L4 Lagorio Land Company (c/o Dillon & Murphy) to subdivide the existing 93.5-acre parcel into 3 parcels. Parcel 1 to contain a 2.0-acre homesite parcel, Parcel 2 to contain 40.0 acres, and a designated remainder to contain 51.5 acres. The parcel is under a Williamson Act contract. The Property is zoned AG-40 (General Agriculture, 40-acre minimum) and the General Plan designation is A/G (General Agriculture). The project site is located at the northeast corner of Eight Mile Road and Tully Road, Linden.. (APN/Address: 065-090-32 & 33/16401 E. Eight Mile Road, Linden) (Supervisorial District 4).
2 documents in project