SCH Number 2014032022
Project Info
- Title
- Use Permit/Reclamation Plan and Proposed Negative Declaration No. 2014-047
- Description
- Use Permit and Reclamation Plan Amendment, to allow the placement and use of a portable hot mix asphalt / concrete batch plant, at an existing aggregate quarry 9CA Mine ID #91-18-0051). The proposed hot mix asphalt plant has a maximum production capacity of 250-300 tons of material per hour. A maximum yearly production of 100,000 tons of asphalt cement is proposed. A maximum of 100 asphalt cement/aggregate loads a day is proposed (i.e. the maximum daily delivery and/or pick-up). Aggregate material will come from the existing quarry and asphalt oil will be brought in from offsite. The maximum height of proposed structures is 60 feet.
2 documents in project