SCH Number 2014031080
Project Info
- Title
- Former Exide Visalia Facility, Corrective Action Implementation
- Description
- The proposed remedy is to consolidate and cap soil that exceeds the cleanup goal within the area of contamination. About 5,000 to 7,000 cubic yards (CY) of lead contaminated soil will be excavated from the southern and eastern portions of the Site and compacted on the southeast corner of the area of contamination. Excavation is expected to be to a depth of up to 3 feet below ground surface (bgs). A concrete cap will be constructed over the contaminated soil and will be utilized as an above ground concrete base for a commercial building to be built at some time in the future as a separate, stand-alone project. The excavated areas will be restored with clean fill material obtained by excavating a storm water control basin in the south central portion of the Site.
2 documents in project