SCH Number 2014022026
Project Info
- Title
- Jimenez Zone Change RZ12-005 and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map T12-013(2)
- Description
- Ordinance for Zone Change RZ12-005 to rezone a 79.8 acre site from K (General Recreational) under Title 17 of the Tuolumne County Ordinance Code as follows: A-10 (General Agricultural, Ten Acre Minimum) for 71.8 acres, O (Open Space) for 5.6 acres, and O-1 for 2.4 acres. Also Tentative Parcel Map T12-013(2) to divide the 79.8 acre site into four parcels and a remainder, pending approval of the Zone Change, as follows: Parcel 1-12.2 acres, Parcel 2-11.4 acres, Parcel 3-10.7 acres, Parcel 4-10.0 acres and a 34.5 acre remainder.
2 documents in project